Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sol and Royal Jelly

It has been nearly two weeks since Buddy (Sol) died. We still often find ourselves about to pet him, to greet him or to get him to the window to "wave goodbye" (a family tradition), or to get his leash on him for a walk. The house seems so empty. To understate it, we miss him.

My prayer, though, remains that this blog will be of help to others. With that in mind, I am sharing the foods and supplements that brought Buddy back to life when he was nearly gone.

Royal Jelly- he got one teaspoon once a day, on an empty stomach. Among other benefits, royal jelly contains vitamins A, C, D, E, and all (yes ALL) of the B vitamins. It's especially rich in pantothenic acid. It has antibacterial properties, strengthens the immune system, lowers total cholesterol and triglycerides.

Other claims for royal jelly include: increased appetite, general vigor, retards aging, boosts longevity, accelerates healing, and has antiviral properties.

Specific claims have been made in connection with a number of maladies: asthma, Parkinson's disease and other nervous disorders, arthritis, depressed immune system, insomnia, fatigue, ulcers, and a slew of digestive and skin disorders. Besides all that, it is used in skin creams and cosmetics, shampoos and conditioners as a moisturizing agent.

As with other things, always start cautiously when first ingesting, in case you or your pet are allergic to it.

Royal jelly comes with or without propolis. We gave it to Buddy with propolis. This is a resin that bees gather from tree bark and leaves, and combine with nectar. One use is at the hive entrance, to sterilize themselves as they come and go.

Propolis has all the known vitamins (excepting vitamin K), plus 16 amino acids have been identified.

Hippocrates used it to heal sores and ulcers both inside and out.

Buddy was not nuts about the taste. I wrapped it up in a bit of whole wheat bread and he thought he was getting quite a treat.

Google this for more information. I looked at and

Next time I'll share the first herb capsule with which we treated him. One of these times, I'll share more about Buddy himself--his breed, how we adopted him, what he was like, how he was trained...


  1. Hi Robin,
    So sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. I still miss our little dog, Bix (lost him about 3 years ago) and our cat (about 6 years ago). I often wonder how you can love them so much and think of how loving God is to give us these wiggly, furry little love machines!
    Thinking of you,
    Gail P Smith (from QCCWC group on FB)

  2. Royal Jelly is a natural, low cost and effective product to maintain health, beauty and youth. It contains lots of vitamins and minerals. It contains no harmful chemicals.

    the vert
