Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hope for Remission

I found Web sites for a few people whose dogs, having lymphoma, went into remission and lived out their normal life spans. How did they do it? I had to know. As I read, I prayed for wisdom and jotted down things that didn't strike me as quackery.

I also read more about Prednisone. I determined to begin to wean him off of it. I mean wean, too. You must never just stop Prednisone. It closes down the adrenal system, and can even cause death. A friend and neighbor who has experience with the drug and dogs, confirmed this. She also looked closely into Sol's eyes, and said, "This dog has good years left in him. You go ahead with this." Yes, I had hope.

The morning after Sol ate the eggs, we cut the dose of Prednisone in half. I called around to all the natural health places in a 50 mile radius. I couldn't find the specific brands or some of the herbs listed on the sites, but a couple of herbalists gave me some hints and encouragement. That evening Sol began to eat again.

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